History of Dublin Lodge #504 AF&AM
That beautiful spring day, May 12, 1878,
the sparsely settled town of Dublin, Texas, was closing down. Saddle
horses lined the hitching rails. Canvas-covered wagons, chuck wagons,
buckboards, vehicles of all western types were assembled near the sigh
- "Dublin Livery". Here T. C. Murphy of William Armstrong Lodge $455
called a constituted lodge. Subject - Dispensation. He was joined by
fellow Masons from the small communities nearby. O. B. Atkinson was
the first Worshipful Master. He was a charter member of the lodge
under dispensation. The charter was granted December 15, 1879. The
fist Lodge Room was rented for $8.00 per month, and a yearly budget
for books, paper and candles totaled $9.40.
Victor Gaines was the Worshipful Master in 1976
when the present lodge building was erected.
Free Masonry is far removed from all that is
trivial, selfish and ungodly. its ceremonies are by no means of a
light or trifling character, but are of profound significance and deep
solemnity. They have existed without material changes from remote
antiquity. Its structure rests upon the indestructible foundation of
the Fatherhood of God, the Brotherhood of Man and the Immorality of
the Soul.